
The sound of the bagpipes was again heard in the Saloon when a very large deputation of brethren


Lodge The Gael No 609 confers a Second Degree

Our last meeting saw No XII receiving a visit from


We had a huge attendance at the meeting on Tuesday 3rd November.  A big home support was swelled by


Thanks to Bro Iain White PM for the following article taken from Twelve Talk No 116.
RWM chuffed
Instituted on 27th


It was a big night in No XII when Lodge Cumberland Kilwinning No 217 came to work a degree for the


In being elected Right Worshipful Master, Bro Beck followed in a long line of distinguished

Our next meeting will be held on 7th April 2015 and we have the pleasure of the Passing being


Tributes have been paid from within and out with the Province to Past Master Brother James Stirrat


IPM Jewel
Bro Alan D. Beck was presented with a Past Master’s Jewel by the Lodge.  It is shown in the


PM Bro Alexander DrummondAlexander Drummond

Lodge Greenock Kilwinning


First Provincial Grand Master

1739 - 1747

