
Our Previous Regular Meeting Tuesday 16th September

It was a big night in No XII when Lodge Cumberland Kilwinning No 217 came to work a degree for the first time in its long history.  Founded in 1746, 217 is only 18 years younger than No XII and is the second oldest lodge in the Province of Renfrewshire West.  The passing was conferred by No XII  in a well-filled Lodge.  The attendance was boosted by RWM Bro Gerry Robertson’s deputation of 21 brethren from 217 accompanied by many other brethren from within, and out with, the Province. The degree team was Obligation RWM Bro Gerry Robertson
Secrets Bro Clive Talbot WSW Working Tools Bro Fraser Hamilton Tracing Board  Bro Gordon Leitch WJW The Charge Bro Bob Stone PM.  Everyone was really enthusiastic about the quality of the degree work and the sincerity with which the lessons of the Second Degree were imparted. RWM Bro Gerry remarked that he and his brethren were really grateful for the welcome they received and the hospitality from No XII.

The follow-up was on Thursday 2nd October when No XII made the return journey to confer a Passing.

For the first time in the history of Lodge Cumberland Kilwinning No 217 a deputation came to No XII to confer a degree, and what a degree it was.  The photo below was taken just after the meeting.

217 deg 16-09-2014