
Office Bearers 2014 - 2015 List

Office   Office Bearer  
Right Worshipful Master   Bro. Allan I MacFeate
Immediate Past Master   Bro. Alan D Beck
Depute Master   Bro. Derek MacFeate
Substitute Master   Bro. Alexander Galbraith  
Worshipful Senior Warden   Bro. Allan T Glen
Worshipful Junior Warden   Bro. J Robert Crossan
Secretary    Bro. Kenneth C MacDougall PM  
Treasurer   Bro. David Stevenson  
Almoner   Bro. K K Morrison PM
Chaplain   Bro. Robert J Bain PM
Senior Deacon   Bro. Anthony Buckley
Junior Deacon   Bro. Paul G Galbraith
Director of Ceremonies   Bro. Iain White PM
Architect   Bro. Brian McFadyen  
Jeweller   Bro. Ross Gourdie  
Bible Bearer   Bro. Albert McLean  
Sword Bearer   Bro. James McGregor Jnr.  
Director of Music   Bro. James McGregor Snr.  
Piper   Bro. Alasdair M Beaton PM 609  
Marshal   Bro. Hector Macphail PM  
Inner Guard   Bro. Alistair Glenny PM
President of Stewards   Bro. John W Dyer
1st Assistant Steward   Bro. Iain Hanlon  
2nd Assistant Steward   Bro. M Barry Banks  
Tyler   Bro. Ewen MacLean