
Bro Wilson James McCulloch PM
Past Provincial Grand Chaplain
1934 – 2017

On the day of our last


The photograph above is of RWM Bro Allan I MacFeate with Stephen Bradley, the General Manager of


1425 inst copy

Our first meeting in the New Year will be an interesting venture and a first for No XII. 


A significant contributor to the fundraising efforts is the Charity Burns Supper which has become


To see some of the photographs taken at last night's installation just follow this link
Thanks to Bro


Our Meeting Scedule has now been updated to include meetings for 2015, up to and including June


To see some of the photographs taken at 2016 Charity Burns Supper just follow this link

Thanks to


Bro Capt. Allan I MacFeate was reinstalled into the Chair as Right Worshipful Master in front of a


Tuesday 21st November 2017coa5 blue Bro Allan Thomas Glen was reinstalled into the Chair as Right
