
Bob RWMOn Tuesday 20th November 2018, starting at 6:15pm (visitors approx 6:30pm), Freemasons from within


On Friday 23rd September Bro Alex Galbraith, affiliate member of No XII and our Substitute


It was a great pleasure for us all to see ‘KK’ receive his Golden Jubilee Diploma at our last


tea-towelThe Right Worshipful Master and loyal Brethren of Lodge Greenock Kilwinning NoXII

Request the


The photo and information below was in the last Edition of XII Talk (48). Almost as soon as it was


TT90-004On Tuesday November 15th, Freemasons from within and outwith the Province of Renfrewshire West


This Monday (2nd November), our IPM, Bro Alan D Beck, will be installed into the Chair of King


Monday 2nd December 2015 was a historic night for No XII when IPM Bro Alan D Beck was installed


My thanks to Alistair Glenny PM for the photograph below which were taken on the night of his


RWM Bro Alan D Beck
Bro Alan Beck has been an outstanding Master.  During his time the growth of No XII has continued,...