
Our Previous Meeting – Tuesday 20th October 2015 Passing Conferred by Lodge Firth of Clyde Gourock No 626

We had a huge attendance at the meeting on Tuesday 3rd November.  A big home support was swelled by the travelling brethren from within and out with the province.  Our Principal guests, Lodge Firth of Clyde, brought a Deputation of over two dozen brethren, led by Bro Nicky Stetz RWM.  I was personally delighted to see this support for Bro Nicky, and No XII, as I was able to identify members of the deputation who had been weel kent figures in the Province when I joined the Craft in 1974 – like Past Masters Murdo Munro, Rudy Stetz and Raymond Bruce – my contemporaries like Past Masters Bro Robert Wilson and Jim Livingstone (who was actually sitting at the organ in his role as an affiliate member of No XII) – our Honorary Member Bro Kenny McCrae PM and, of course, all the current, up-and-coming- office bearers and brethren whom we know so well from their visits to No XII and No XII brethren going to John Street.

As we rightly expected the degree had the hallmark of excellence written all over it and our candidate, Bro Alex Gray, was privileged to receive such a fine Passing.  This was Bro Nicky’s first degree conferred ‘on the road’.  He did a magnificent job himself and he was justifiably proud of his team.

On the evening we had other RWMs with us.  Bro Clive Taulbut of Lodge Cumberland Kilwinning No 217 was too shy to join in the photo but below we can see (from the left) RWMs Bro Willie Lawson (Lodge Doric Kilwinning No 68), RWM Bro Capt. Allan I MacFeate (No XII), RWM Bro Nicky Stetz (626) and Bro Gary Muircroft Lodge Robert King Stewart No 919 from New Stevenston by Motherwell

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