
We have all been saddened by the sudden and tragic passing to the Grand Lodge Above of Bro James S...

The annual Burns Supper of Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No XII was held, as ever, in our home in the Town


Thanks to Bro Iain White PM for the following article taken from Twelve Talk No 116IainWPollock

I had the


Bro Allan I. MacFeate is our Right Worshipful Master - ElectRWM Bro Allan MacFeate
In being elected to this Office, Bro...

The date for the summer meeting has been set.  It will take place on Thursday 5th June.  We have


TT101-004In the last edition of Twelve Talk, mention was made of the inception of what became the annual


The feature in the last Twelve Talk led Past Master Bro Alistair Glenny to send me a couple of


I am again indebted to Bro Alistair Glenny PM for supplying this edition’s photo.  It is again of a


The photo this time is of RWM Bro Hector Macphail, his Past Masters and Office bearers on the


The year is 1986 and it is the 250th Anniversary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.  The photo below shows
