
The Prince’s Royal Arch Chapter No 189 Dinner Pollok Golf Club Friday 9th November

Thanks to Bro Iain White PM for the following article taken from Twelve Talk No 116IainWPollock

I had the great pleasure of being the guest speaker at the Annual Dinner of the Prince’s Royal Arch Chapter No 189. It was chaired by its First Principal, Ian Hislop, who is also a Past Master of the Glasgow Kilwinning Lodge No 4. It was a very pleasant evening, held in beautiful surroundings in the lounge of the Pollok Golf Club on Glasgow’s Southside. The food was splendid, and the company was most convivial. I was sitting between MEC Ian and Bro Jim Peddie RWPGM of Glasgow, so the craic was good. Also, at the top table was MEC James Orr, Depute Grand Superintendent for the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Glasgow and MEC Raymond Innes, Depute First Principal of The Prince’s Royal Arch Chapter.

I knew many who were present, either because they were members of Lodge The Prince’s No 607 with me or of its Sister Lodges. The photo on the left shows the author with MEC Ian Hislop who is paying the wages of appreciation.