
Every time I write one of these reports it always seems to involve me sitting somewhere, having a


30 GL da bears
We were on a lodge visit to Bologna back in June 2014 when it was first suggested that our next


In the days leading up to the Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No XII286th installation on 18th


No XII Past Master Bro Hector MacPhail recently visited Adelaide, Australia. Whilst there he had


The figures are now in for No XII Reports for December.

For the month of December a total of 20


The figures are now in for No XII Reports for November.

For the month of Novber a total of 22


The figures are now in for No XII Reports for October.

For the month of October a total of 24


scroll down for photograph of office bearers installed on the night

Office   Office Bearer  

The brethren of No XII conferred a Passing. 

The lodge was again well filled and RWMs Bro Willie

RWM Bro Alan Beck  RWM Bro Hugh Docherty
Yet another splendid evening was enjoyed in the Lodge on 21st October.  The Fellowcraft Degree
