
No XII in New York

30 GL da bears
We were on a lodge visit to Bologna back in June 2014 when it was first suggested that our next lodge outing could be to New York and perhaps even exemplify a Passing. The idea sounded wonderful at the time but this may well have been slightly influenced by the beer goggles we were all wearing that night. However it grew arms and legs and before we knew it we had successfully applied for the correct dispensation required from The Grand Lodge of Scotland and The Grand Lodge of New York to exemplify a Passing whilst visiting the Mariners Lodge No 67.

The Mariners Lodge No 67 of New York State happens to be the mother lodge of one of our Affiliate Members, Bro Barry Banks, and it was probably through discussions with him in Bologna that kicked the process off.

After many enquiries about costs etc. we ended up with eight Brethren from our Lodge, along with Bro Ricky Kennedy from Lodge Doric Kilwinning No 68, embarking on the long haul over to the USA.

On the afternoon of the meeting, Wednesday July 13th we all turned up for a tour round the Grand Lodge of New York. The tour was absolutely wonderful and we did take a few photographs which you can access here.

Once the tour was over we all then made our way back to our respective hotels to get changed into our highland outfits.

We all met up back at Grand Lodge and made our way to the 8th floor where the Doric Room is situated. Following the opening of The Mariners Lodge, we were allowed in as a deputation. Leading the way was Bro Hector Macphail who piped us in magnificently. After the usual formalities, we exchanged office bearers and proceeded to astonish our hosts and visitors with our exemplification of a Passing. Originally Bro Barry Banks was to be the candidate but at short notice he was called away on business and Bro Ricky Kennedy of Lodge Doric Kilwinning No 68 very kindly agreed to take his place.

The degree work finished and before handing back the gavel our RWM Bro Allan MacFeate said a few words. On taking over the gavel the WM of The Mariners Lodge No 67, Bro Anthony Kofi A. Osei-Tutu then passed a few comments and in particular on speaking of our exemplification, we received a standing ovation from the 90 or so Brethren assembled.

We then changed offices once again and the lodge was put into recess. Of course they do things differently in the USA and at the recess brethren were allowed to leave the lodge. Some of us wanted to see how they closed their lodge and waited behind to witness what can only be described as completely different, if not alien to our way of closing.
03 everyone

After the meeting closed we were asked to stay behind to allow some photographs to be taken, we were then invited to their version of our harmony, they call it Festive Board. Again completely different to ours, in that they had lots of drinking, eating and singing. Oh wait, guess that is pretty much what we do. However, they had more structure to their Festive Board by creating a starboard and port sides of the ‘ship’, because they are a Mariners lodge, even singing sea shanties.

Once everyone was fed and watered, our RWM rose to his feet and continued where he had left off from the meeting and spoke of the new bond between our lodges. He went on to present their WM with a few gifts from our Lodge. We had purchased a new Fellowcraft apron to take with us which we all signed and was the first of many gifts to be set free from the RWM’s case. Next up was a beautiful glass ‘Hands Across the Sea’ gift, then a wonderfully crafted (by our own Bro Robert Marshall) square and compasses to mark the occasion. He also presented a lodge 275th anniversary jewel along with 20 Mark Pennies, 20 Lodge history handbooks and 12 Scottish lapel pins.
06 fellowcraft apron07 hands08 SC08a 68 Pendant

Bro Ricky Kennedy then presented their WM with a lovely Lodge Doric Kilwinning No 68 pendant and Lapel pin.

Their WM reciprocated and presented all of us with a Lodge Mariners No 67 lapel pin and a lovely boxed coin.

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Then it was back to more drinking, eating and merriment. The Festive Board finished at 11pm and we were informed that the building needed to be empty by midnight. Of course we had to be almost the last out after a few more photographs and exchanging of yet more stories.

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As some of us were still feeling a little thirsty, we then went into the bar right next door to the Grand Lodge, for a few more sherbets. Most of us made it back to our hotels at around 2am.

The next day, some of us had booked to go and visit the 9/11 Museum and Memorial at 1pm. The museum was quite an emotional experience, after this we then ventured up the One World Observatory, which had lifts that take you from the ground up to the 102nd floor in 60 secs !! The OWO is the 4th tallest building in the world and you can see some more views here.

Arrangements had been made with The Lodge of Mariners No 67, later that night to meet up at a restaurant call Lombardis, which was the first pizza restaurant in America!  Unfortunately, a few of our guys could not make it along but the rest of us, with our families met in the restaurant. We had a fantastic meal and then headed of towards our hotels, hoping to find a place to get our sweet as the pizza restaurant did not cater for this. We found a small place and all had tea, coffee and sweets, and a few more refreshments. We all then said our goodbyes and headed off to our hotels. Our USA visit had come to an end.

Everyone had a wonderful time visiting our new friends at The Mariners Lodge No 67 and look forward to welcoming them over to Scotland at some future date.