
No XII on the Other Side of the World

No XII Past Master Bro Hector MacPhail recently visited Adelaide, Australia. Whilst there he had the chance to attend a lodge meeting and sent us this report.

On Tuesday 15th October, I had the pleasure of attending The Earl of Chester Lodge No.98 in the City of Adelaide, S.A. I was accompanied by P.M. Bro. Dr Tom Haig JP and WSW Bro. George Haig of Lodge Sincerity No. 120, Murray Bridge S.A.

We witnessed a very well conducted 1st Degree, and the W.M. Bro. Ron Boath extended fraternal Greetings to No. XII.

At the Dinner afterwards, I had the honour of being asked to “address” the Brethren, and I extended the Fraternal Good Wishes of yourself Alan, Wardens and Office-bearers of No. XII.

Interestingly, at the Harmony, there were 3 Gentlemen who had not yet applied to join, but had expressed an interest. Last time I saw this practice was in a Lodge in Duisburg Germany.

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Fraternal Regards
Bro Hector MacPhail PM No XII