On Tuesday 16th November 2021, Freemasons from within and outwith the Province of Renfrewshire West will gather in Greenock Town Hall to attend the 293rd Annual Installation of the RWM and Office Bearers of Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No XII. They will witness the installation of Bro Brian McFadyen as Right Worshipful Master of the Lodge. Bro McFadyen succeeds Bro J. Robert Crossan who has held the post of RWM for the last Three (3) years. The Lodge was Instituted in 1728 and was represented at Mary’s Chapel, Edinburgh at the institution of the Grand Lodge of Scotland on 30th November 1736.
During his term in of office Bro McFadyen aims to lead the Lodge out of this dark period caused by the Pandemic, continue the growth of the Lodge and to further enhance its involvement within the community by continuing its already significant charitable work supporting local organisations. Bro. Brian also intends to support Sister Lodges in Scotland and beyond. In being elected as Right Worshipful Master, Bro McFadyen will follow in a long line of distinguished citizens who have held this position. He has been a member of Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No. XII since 1983.
Originally from Greenock, Bro. Brian was educated at “The Mount” School and on leaving commenced an apprenticeship with J & W Kerr Group Ltd as a Heating & Ventilation Engineer. He later worked for Western SMT before joining the Ministry of Defence Police in 1986 and moved to Bishopton. Bro. Brian affiliated to a local lodge, The Lodge of Erskine No.1566, and became their RWM in 2014-15. Bro Brian retired from the Ministry of Defence Police in 2019, where he was a Police Sergeant, after having completed over 32 years exemplary Police Service. He now spends his time playing golf at Erskine Golf Club. Bro. Brian is married to Brenda and they have a Son and Daughter.
Bro McFadyen is looking forward to becoming the new Right Worshipful Master of Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No XII and the challenges he will face. In the meantime, he wishes to extend a very warm welcome to Brethren from within and outwith the Province and looks forward to meeting you.
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