
Office   Office Bearer  
Right Worshipful Master   Bro. James P Livingstone  
Immediate Past Master   Bro. Brian McFadyen  
Depute Master   Bro. J Robert Crossan PM
Substitute Master   Bro. Craig McFadyen  
Worshipful Senior Warden   Bro. Robert Marshall  
Worshipful Junior Warden   Bro. Paul Branchfield  
Secretary    Bro. Kenneth C MacDougall PM  
Treasurer   Bro. David D Stevenson  
Almoner   Bro. Alex Gray
Chaplain   Bro Robert J Bain PM  
Senior Deacon   Bro. Colin B Reddy  
Junior Deacon   Bro. Iain White PM  
Director of Ceremonies   Bro. Hector Macphail PM  
Architect   Bro. Alexander R Johnson  
Jeweller   Bro. John W Dyer
Bible Bearer      
Sword Bearer   Bro. James McGregor Jnr.  
Director of Music   Bro. Alan D Beck PM  
Marshal   Bro. Ian Moffat   
Inner Guard   Bro. Cameron White   
President of Stewards   Bro. Anthony Buckley
1st Assistant Steward   Bro. Jordan J Kincaid
2nd Assistant Steward   Bro. Edward Malloy
3rd Assistant Steward   Bro. Bryan G A Campbell-Black  
4th Assistant Steward   Bro. Findlay I Campbell   


Office   Office Bearer  
Right Worshipful Master   Bro. Brian McFadyen  
Immediate Past Master   Bro. J Robert Crossan
Depute Master   Bro. Iain White PM
Substitute Master   Bro. James P Livingstone  
Worshipful Senior Warden   Bro. Alex R Johnston  
Worshipful Junior Warden   Bro. Robert Marshall  
Secretary    Bro. Kenneth C MacDougall PM  
Treasurer   Bro. David D Stevenson  
Almoner   Bro. Alex Gray
Senior Deacon   Bro. Paul Branchfield  
Junior Deacon   Bro. Colin Reddy  
Director of Ceremonies   Bro. Hector Macphail PM  
Architect   Bro. Craig McFadyen  
Jeweller   Bro. John W Dyer
Bible Bearer   Bro Robert J Bain PM
Sword Bearer   Bro. James McGregor Jnr.  
Director of Music   Bro. Alan D Beck  
Inner Guard      
President of Stewards   Bro. Anthony Buckley
1st Assistant Steward   Bro. Fraser N Cameron
2nd Assistant Steward   Bro. Edward Malloy
3rd Assistant Steward   Bro. Cameron White  
4th Assistant Steward      
Tyler   Bro. Ewen MacLean