
Bro Wilson James McCulloch PM
Past Provincial Grand Chaplain
1934 – 2017

On the day of our last


Brother Ivan Scott passed to higher service in the Grand Lodge Above on Wednesday 1st March at


An Extract from Twelve Talk Special Edition No 10 - Burns Supper 2015

No XII Charity Burns Supper


It was a great honour for our Worshipful Senior Warden Bro Bob Crossan to receive Honorary


One of the highlights of the Provincial Installation of Office Bearers on 6th February was the



I had the pleasure of proposing the Toast to the Immortal Memory of Robert Burns at the 94th


Bros David Wilson (Lodge Sir Michael No 989 and Deputy Provost of Inverclyde) and Iain D. MacLeod


The 6th No XII Burns Supper was the biggest yet!  Just over 170 sat down in the Greenock Town Hall on


The brethren of No XII conferred a Passing. 

The lodge was again well filled and RWMs Bro Willie

Our next meeting will be held on 7th April 2015 and we have the pleasure of the Passing being
