
Bro Phil Robertson

We were all very sad when we heard that Bro Phil Robertson had passed to the Grand Lodge Above after a resolute battle with cancer.  Bro Phil joined the Lodge in 1989 and quickly became a well-respected member and office bearer.  In some ways, it must have been almost inevitable that he would join the Craft being a boilermaker in Kincaid’s, an elder in the Mid Kirk and a lifelong member of the 12th Greenock Company, The Boys’ Brigade.
Phil was moving nicely through progressive offices in No XII, and would have doubtless taken the Chair, had the closure of Kincaid’s not led him to a different work regime, ultimately being employed for some years in Aberdeen. Back in February, Phil was with us again when he joined us at the No XII Charity Burns Supper.  I know that we were all delighted to see him there.  It was like welcoming a member of the family home. Phil was Mid Kirk’s youngest elder when
ordained and served the Church very faithfully. However, out with his own family it could be said that Phil’s home really was the BB. He joined the Shipmates aged 6, progressed through the Lifeboys and ultimately became an officer and the Company Captain in the 12th for 10 years. He was also a Past Battalion Vice President. No XII and the Craft were well represented at a very dignified and moving service in the Wellpark Mid Kirk. 
Our thoughts and prayers are with Phil’s wife Patricia and their family at this sad time.