
Congratulations and fraternal greetings from Germany


TempleI would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our newly installed RWM, his WWs and all other Office Bearers wishing them all a successful and enjoyable term of office for the good of Freemasonry in general and this our Lodge No. XII in particular.

The WM, Officers and Brethren of Kurtt Tucholsky Lodge No. 1060 – of which I happen to be the founding WM – join me in doing so.

No. 1060 had its 10th anniversary in November this year. It coincided with my 40th anniversary as a Mason in September.

There will be a festive meeting in January 2024 as we couldn't find a date in November/December of this year when our founder members, honorary members etc. were able to attend.

The celebration will take place in new premises.

The hotel where the Lodge has been meeting for nearly 10 years had put up the prices to a level the Lodge neither could nor wanted to afford.

Ante-roomTherefore it moved to Münster using the Masonic hall belonging to the local Lodge Zu den drey Balken – the pictures attached show the temple and the ante-room. There is also a room for the festive board and a bar. The ground floor of the building now used for Masonic purposes used the be e pob.

Since that move the Lodge has welcomed joining members and initiates.

Wishing all my fellow members of No. XII and their loved ones Merry Christmas and happy new year I greet them all cordially and fraternally
