
Visit to Penang (Malaysia) January 2016 – Alistair Glenny PM

We are grateful to Bro Alistair for supplying me this report on his Masonic exploits during his recent holiday to visit his daughter and her family in the Far East.

Once more whilst visiting family in Penang, I visited 3 of the Masonic Lodges which meet in the Masonic Temple in Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia.
As reported last year the Temple has been completely refurbished, with particular care, and attention to detail, being given to the actual Lodge Meeting rooms on the upper floor. The photograph below clearly shows the results achieved thus far with a floor surface and “carpet” in material more in keeping with climatic conditions. Individual Air Conditioning units now ensure a pleasant ambience and whilst removing the old ventilation system above a false ceiling, a beautiful arched roof was discovered and has since been renovated, forming an integral part of Lodge décor.

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I visited The Royal Prince of Wales Lodge No 1555 EC and witnessed an excellent Entering of candidate Mr Lim Choo Jim (known to all as Jim Lim!!) The ceremonial was very similar to our own 1st Degree and at the close of the meeting, fraternal greetings were exchanged with Worshipful Master Bro Suckbeer Singh, office bearers and brethren from all at Greenock Kilwinning NoX11 SC.

Witnessing the degree of Entering of his friend Jim Lim, was Right Worshipful Master Alan Lee Yan Chuan of Lodge Angus No 1529 SC from the city of Ipoh the capital city of Perak in peninsular Malaysia. Lodge Angus was formed in 1957 and like Lodge Scotia 1003, forms part of The District Grand Lodge of The Middle East.

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(and no one had to stay behind and roll up the carpet!!!!!!!!!!!)

Along with my Son in Law, Simon Gray, from Lodge Firth of Clyde Gourock No 626 I visited Lodge Shamrock in Penang No 938 IC and whilst there was no degree, we were enlightened by a lecture titled “The Legend of Hiram Abiff” delivered by Bro Dr Prem Kumar Chandrasekaran of the Lodge. Fraternal greetings were exchanged on behalf of our respective Lodges with RWM John Foster Slater and brethern of Lodge Shamrock.

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Again, accompanied by Simon, we had the delight and priviledge to visit Lodge Scotia 1003 SC, its RWM, Bro Raymond Herbert Godfroy, and Brethern to witness the passing to the Second, Square, or Fellowcraft Degree of Brother Stanley J Gibb who comes from Peterhead in Scotland and now lives in Penang.

The cereTT 80 009monial work was excellent and a fine reflection on all paticipants. Visitors that evening included a large and influencial deputation from The District Grand Lodge of The Middle East headed by their Substitute District Grand Master Bro Paul Manecksha and included many respected office bearers one being Bro Dr Daljit Singh Nagresh Hon SG Warden, RWIPDGM of the Middle East and PM of lodge Scotia.

The large turnout from District Grand Lodge, who were all well impressed by the Temple rennovations, entered the Lodge accompanied by this attractive Standard Lodge attendance that evening was over 60 which highlights the esteem with which Scotia is held, being of course the driving force behind the upgrade of the building.

Great exitement exists at present as Penang will host a District Grand Lodge conference later this month (February 2016) and everyone is eagerly looking forward to a delegation attending from Grand Lodge of Scotland including our Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason Charles I R Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont.

In thanking RWM Raymond Godfroy and Brethren of Lodge Scotia, I said I was about to depart Penang in a few days leaving temperatures of 33 degrees to around 3 but that the warmth and cordiallity of their welcome would stay with me. Fraternal greetings were extended from all at Lodges X11 and 626 with RWM Godfroy and Brethren.

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