Bro James McGregor (the Elder) has given me some great information and photos from his visit to the USA. Jim said, “While on a sightseeing holiday in Washington D.C. in going to visit all the usual places like the White House ,Capitol Hill, the Lincoln Memorial etc,etc. I came across this little gem (or perhaps not so little). This building is a must see for any Brother visiting the capital. It reminds me of the "The Tardis" - a lot bigger and better in the inside than it is on the outside. Other than the pics that I have enclosed, the guide who was taking us round gave us some great information. For example, there is a small flag with the square and compasses on it that belonged to astronaut Buzz Aldrin. He took to the moon in 1969 and brought it all the way back. It is displayed in the museum along with many more fascinating items.”
After the piece by Bro James McGregor (the Elder) in the last edition of Twelve Talk, I (Bro Iain White PM) received the following from Bro Alex Galbraith. “The article from James McGregor was most interesting. Perhaps the brethren would be interested to know that I have attended many meetings in the House of the Temple in Washington DC over the years representing Scotland - especially on Saturday, 22nd August 2015 when I was a guest of the Southern Jurisdiction USA at the Centennial rededication ceremony of the House of the Temple which is their headquarters.
It is a wonderful building and also houses the second largest Robert Burns library in the world after the Mitchell library in Glasgow.
The rededication was a spectacular event with over 600 present. It was a beautiful sunny day and following the rededication the guests enjoyed a garden party in the gardens at the rear of the building. I have enclosed a couple of photographs if you wish to use them. The first photograph is in the Executive Director’s Office and is the framed flag Jim McGregor refers to - the one taken to the moon. This is seldom seen and was part of a special exhibition as shown in the second photograph.”
Freemasonry in Washington DC
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