
Charity Presentation

RWM Bro Capt. Allan I MacFeate attended a Charity Presentation at the invitation of Mr. Pat Burke, Chairman of “Children in Poverty Inverclyde” held at the Provost’s Rooms, Greenock Municipal Building on Tuesday 25th. November 2014.

The presentation was to thank local businesses and organisations who had donated generously to the local Charity.
He gave a most thought provoking talk relating to the child poverty problems that we have here in Inverclyde and outlined how the monies received were being used to assist and give a little happiness to the children.

Provost Robert Moran then thanked all those involved with the charity appeal.

Provost Moran then presented engraved crystal awards from “Children in Poverty Inverclyde” to the various representatives from the supporting local businesses and organisations.

Mr. Burke thanked me for the generosity of Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No.Xll and expressed his thanks for the warm and friendly reception he had received at the Lodge when the No.Xll cheque was presented to him.

RWM Bro Capt Allan I MacFeate