
Visit to The Lodge of Erskine No 1566 – Thursday 27th March


From RWM Bro Alan Beck who led the deputation and has provided this report:

On Thursday March 27th, for the third time in as many weeks, No XII conferred a Raising: this time at The Lodge of Erskine 1566.  No XII has developed a very strong relationship with 1566 over the past few years, thanks to our Architect Bro Brian McFadyen who is currently WSW in Erskine, his affiliate lodge.

Fourteen Brethren of No XII represented the lodge on this much anticipated evening and after being warmly welcomed into 1566 by RWM Bro Ian Wood, our own RWM, Bro Alan Beck assumed the Chair, exchanged the offices and began the ceremony. The excellent candidate, Bro Kenny Shearer, was Raised in the usual No XII manner, described by RWM Bro Ian as "very different but superbly professional nonetheless". The degree team for the evening was as follows:

Obligation- RWM A Beck

Retrospect - A Glen

Raising & Secrets - KK Morrison

Apron - K MacDougall

Tools - B McFadyen

Traditional History & Tracing Board - Bob Bain

Charge - K MacDougall

Of course, in The Lodge of Erskine, because of its peculiar history and traditions, (for instance, the Brethren are allowed to remain seated throughout the ceremony) No XII's particular rendering of the Raising fits very well in the lodge and this was commented on in the reply on behalf of the visitors by Bro Alan Provan, RWM of Lodge Georgetown Cardonald 1170 who described the standard of the ritual as "tremendous".

At the harmony which followed the meeting, the Brethren of No XII were treated to homemade soup (RWM Bro Alan's favourite), pies (RWM Bro Alan's favourite and sausage rolls (RWM Bro Alan's favourite) and a very liberal supply of spirits (IPM Bro Bob's favourite).

1566 will be guests of No XII on October 7th when their (newly installed) RWM, Bro Brian McFadyen (if it be the will of the Brethren) will receive the Bro James S Adams PM gavel and confer a Passing in his own Mother Lodge just three days after assuming the Chair in his Affiliate Lodge, and we look forward to the opportunity of strengthening the bonds of friendship between our two lodges once more.

Alan D Beck RWM