
Visit to the United Grand Lodge of England

This is from our Treasurer Bro David Stevenson who was in London for a few days’ break recently …

Bro John Freeburn (1425) and I were in London for a weekend break (plus wives of course) and John and I took the opportunity to visit United Grand Lodge of England. We booked one of the tours on Saturday morning. From the outside the building is very imposing and once inside it became all the more impressive.

Originally built in the 1700's, updating was thought necessary and at the end of World War I, a fund was created with a target of £1M - this was raised by 1925 and the new building was completed by 1933. 

Obviously there is Masonic History throughout the building and equally impressive is the construction and artwork of many skilled craftsmen using materials from all around the world especially marble from Italy and Tasmanian wood. The cornice around the Grand Temple looks like paintings but is actually wee mosaic tiles and is most impressive - many millions of tiles were used in the construction of this part. The Temple doors are solid brass and each weighs 1 1/2 tonnes, yet can be pushed open with your finger.

To bring in funds the building is used as photo shoots  - e.g. 'Spooks' has been filmed there, London Fashion week use it regularly and it has been used in James Bond films

It is truly a remarkable building and I would certainly recommend a visit if any brethren are in central London.

To end your tour and for a period of contemplation and reflection I can heartily recommend 'The Freemasons Arms' and 'Hercules Pillars' - just across the road - good food and excellent beers. There is even a Toye Kenning & Spencer shop for more material Masonic needs.

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