The Prince's Lodge No 607 - Passing
Monday 06 November 2017, 18:30 - 23:00
Hits : 1050
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The next regular meeting of The Prince's Lodge 607 in the Province of Glasgow takes place on Monday, November 6th at 6:30pm (visitors admitted at 6:50pm). This meeting will be the last meeting in the Chair of Right Worshipful Master Bro Anthony Stewart, a Master Mason of Lodge Inverkip Ardgowan, 1425.
The business of the evening will be a Passing which will be conferred by the Provincial Grand Master of Glasgow, Bro James C Peddie assisted by commissioned office bearers from that Province and four neighbouring provinces (including our own PGM Bro James P Livingstone). This "Five Provinces" Degree will be a first in Glasgow and a rare sight in Scottish Freemasonry.
The formal part of the evening will be followed by lodge harmony to which all visitors are invited and at which they will partake of a three-course meal at a cost of £10.
A number of members of this province will be attending and NoXII's WSW Bro Bob Crossan will co-ordinate transport, but for first time visitors travelling on their own the lodge is easily reached from either the M8 Govan exit, or from the Glasgow Subway station at Ibrox.