Visit to Grand Lodge of Scotland
Thursday 31 October 2013, 09:15
Hits : 1876
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The bus will leave John Street, Gourock (626) at 9.15, calling at Kelly Street (175 Club), Main Road at Ratho Street, Main Road Port Glasgow (at traffic lights) and Bishopton (Hotel), then on to Edinburgh.

There will be time for lunch in Edinburgh but as most will require a visitors pass in Grand Lodge, it is recommended that you are in Grand Lodge by 1.15 pm in order to ensure that you get seated reasonably together.

Following the meeting at Grand Lodge, brethren should make their way around to Hill Street, (next street up from George Street, for the meeting at Sir Robert Moray Lodge which starts at 4.00 pm.  This will be a talk on "Heraldry" by Andrew Elgin (son of Past Most Worshipful Grand Master Lord Elgin).  This meeting will close between 6.00 and 6.30 latest when the bus will pick up for the return journey.

Please make sure that you are on time for pick-up as we require to be in Edinburgh for 11.30 am.

The cost of the bus will be £10.