Divine Service - Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire West
Sunday 07 September 2014, 15:00
Hits : 1429
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This Province will bring its celebrations of the Drummond Anniversary to a close by hosting a
special Divine Service for all the Western Counties on Sunday 7th September. The Service,
which will be conducted by Provincial Grand Chaplain, Brother David Mitchell, will be held in the
historic Old West Kirk at 3.00 pm and will be attended by representatives of Provinces across
Scotland. Subject to the weather, there will be a short parade from Forsyth Street, to the
Church and the Service will be followed by a small buffet reception. Invitations have been sent
out to the Provost and members of Inverclyde Council, to the Lord Lieutenant of the County and
to the Shaw-Stewart family to attend. Following a recent article in the Greenock Telegraph,
there is also considerable interest from the public in this historic event.