
Visit to Lodge Doric Kilwinning No 68 Monday 28th March 2017 Conferring The Raising

The Lodge was honoured by an invitation to confer a First Degree from our very good friends at Lodge Doric Kilwinning No 68.  RWM Allan T Glen was supported by a terrific deputation.  18 brethren from No XII entered the Lodge with Bro Iain D Macleod (HM) already inside.

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We were handsomely welcomed into a well-filled Lodge by Bro Alexander Bloomfield Wilson RWM and the Office Bearers of No 68 vacated their offices to allow the No XII team to confer the degree on 2 candidates. .The floor workers for the Entering was Prayer Bro Hector Macphail PM Obligation RWM Bro Allan T Glen Secrets Bro Alan D Beck PM Apron Bro J Robert Crossan WSW  Working Tools Bro David Martin IG Tracing Board  Bro Iain White PM Charge Bro Kenneth C MacDougall PM Chaplain.  Bro Mark Stewart was passed to the Second Degree.

After the meeting we were treated to handsome refreshments and purvey by the brethren of 68.  A good night was had and the strong bonds between the two old Lodges were cemented further as a consequence.