
Consecration of Lodge Kurt Tucholsky No. 1060

On Saturday 30th November 2013, Past Master Bro. Hector Macphail travelled to Unna in Germany to attend the consecration of Lodge Kurt Tucholsky No. 1060 by "The Grand Lodge of British Freemason's in Germany".

Bro. Macphail had been invited to the event in order to reply to the Toast to the visiting Brethren on behalf of all the International Lodges present.

At the end of his reply, Bro. Macphail extended fraternal Greetings from No.XII and made reference to the fact that our RWM Bro. Alan Beck, at one time, was Principal Tenor with the State Opera in Stuttgart.

To Mark the occasion, Bro. Macphail presented Lodge Kurt Tucholsky with a suitably engraved sterling silver breast Jewel to be worn by their W.M. and his successors in Office.

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